
شماره نام مقرره فایل
1 لیله مقرري از اینجا دانلود نمایید
2 مقرره استقلالیت مالی پوهنتون از اینجا دانلود نمایید

مقرره ارزیابی اسناد تحصیلی

از اینجا دانلود نمایی

4 مقرره آموزش دوره لیسانس از اینجا دانلود نمایید
5 مقرره تنظیم وظایف وزارت تحصیلات عالی از اینجا دانلود نمایید
6   از اینجا دانلود نمایید
7   از اینجا دانلود نمایید

Message of the Chancellor of Logar Institute of Higher Education

After achieving complete freedom from the oppressive occupation, our Islamic system and society need to progress in every aspect of life. For the advancement of a society, its individuals need to be equipped with both religious and modern education.
To achieve this goal, Logar Institute of Higher Education considers it its mission and responsibility to educate students who are not only committed and professional but also devoted to their faith and country. In the future, these graduates will play a constructive role in the development of their country and in achieving lofty objectives, fostering creativity and innovation.

President of Logar Institute of Higher Education


Mufti Seyyed Zia-ul-Ahmad Sarem
sarem photo