Biology Department
Introduction and History of the Biology Department
According to the plans and strategies of the Ministry of Higher Education, departments as scientific and academic units are obliged to create a suitable space and conditions for learning science, scientific and cultural progress of students, bring positive and desirable changes in students' knowledge and behavior, implement the plans of the Ministry Higher education, scientific research, drive students to acquire knowledge and apply it to the well-being, welfare and comfort of life of dear compatriots.
In addition to the above-mentioned responsibilities, improving the quality of teaching and service delivery, as well as the process of quality assurance and stabilizing all academic activities in accordance with the established standards of quality assurance is one of the main tasks of the departments, which in fact clarifies this issue. Ensure that there are enough members of the scientific staff and manpower in the formation of the department to be able to perform the above-mentioned duties of the department as a collective of scientific staff members who are responsible for research, teaching and providing services to the community and play the right role.
As the importance of any science is clearly revealed from the subject under discussion, it is obvious to everyone that biological sciences are one of the most important parts of human life that science is considered very valuable and necessary today. The fact that in our dear country Afghanistan, industries are in a state of relative development, the increase in the number of students in education and the shortage of professional teachers, led to the creation of a biology department within the Faculty of Education of the Logar Education Institute. Biology is one of the most important ways to know God and reach the One Creator, the most extensive and important part of natural sciences, which has a valuable and fundamental role in solving the current and future problems of human beings. We are now in the 21st century where genetic changes and developments are developing, so a country like Afghanistan is in dire need of this science. Today, human beings face various crises that cannot be solved without the help and guidance of biologists. For this reason, this department started operating for the first time at the same time with the establishment of Logar Higher Education Institute in 1393 AH, called the Department of Chemistry and Biology, which was proposed to the esteemed official of the Ministry of Higher Education on 8/4/2015 in the framework of the Faculty of Education. Logar Higher Education Institute is a joint venture with the Department of Alchemy and has presented its first round of graduates to the community in 1396. Necessary modifications were made in its programs and curricula, ie to the credit system, the activities have taken a specific form, in which the basic, specific, sub-thematic and university subjects have been replaced. In addition to the faculty committees, the staff members of this department have an active and responsible share in the various committees of this institute, such as (quality assurance, quorum, research, discipline, exams and complaints, scholarships, etc.).
At present (spring semester of 1403) about (102) students, are studying in this department, each year more or less (30) graduates for Serving the community, it goes without saying that the registration and enrollment of new students reaches 60 every year, which is added in an increasing way every year. From the beginning until now, despite facing significant and serious problems in terms of the composition and number of members of the scientific staff, they perform their duties with complete honesty and commitment, but with great difficulty.
In the future, the Department of Biology hopes and believes that in the reconstruction and development of our dear country, and in accordance with its need for modern sciences, it will train familiar and talented students in the language and progress of modern science, as a result of which it will meet the necessary needs. Important community to respond.
The Department of Biology is proud that, as a strong discipline in the Faculty of Education, it is committed to training qualified young people with technology to better serve the community in advancing education and higher education in the field of biology. To respond positively to the current needs of the country with full ability, fully committed to lasting peace, social welfare and unity in the country, to receive appropriate solutions with the help and dissemination of appropriate research and technology to education and educational and social problems.
The departments are scientific and academic branches, considering some important values that carry out their activities in accordance with and in the light of it:
Respect for national and Islamic values.
- Honesty and commitment.
- Justice and equality.
- Transparency and accountability.
- Providing valuable services needed by the community.
- Creativity and innovation.
Respect for all applicable country laws and human rights.
Biology Curriculum Objectives
Objectives are the comprehensive development of the individual in the areas of life and its interaction with other dimensions of growth and students' mastery of the conceptual framework and research methods in the field of biology.
1. Biology as a way to know the signs and symptoms of God by identifying the processes and phenomena of life.
2. The necessity and development of biology as one of the important branches of scientific sciences in the country.
3. Paying attention to nature and living environment as the best laboratory and learning space.
4. Biology education in order to know and preserve the environment as an appreciation of divine blessings and creating a better environment for healthy living.
5. Pay attention to experimental and laboratory activities, extracurricular activities and active learning.
A: Attitudinal goals
1. To look at the phenomena of life as signs and evidences of the rule of divine providence in the world.
2. Be interested in learning biology and take responsibility for its development.
3. Love the environment and feel responsible for maintaining it.
4. Increase their confidence in presenting ideas, evaluating concepts and activities in the field of biology.
5. Accept individual differences in front of others and respect their people.
6. Consider the observance of life ethics in biological research.
B: Skills goals
1. To study and study the phenomena of life to use all their senses in the best way.
2. In the study of life phenomena, he used the scientific method correctly.
3. To share their lessons clearly and in different ways with others, observing fidelity and honesty.
4. Develop the ability to critique information and biology content.
A: Cognitive goals
1. Expand their awareness of the principles and laws of biological phenomena as an interrelated set.
2. Gain useful and necessary knowledge in various fields of biology for healthy living now and in the future.
3. Understand the interaction of biology with other sciences.
4. Get acquainted with the applications of biology in today's world, especially in everyday life.
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Associate Professor Wahidullah Abdurahimzai
Assistant Professor in Paktia University 2006-2013
Associate Professor Logar Higher Education Institute 2014-Now
Personal Details
Name: Wahidullah Abdurahimzai
Father’s Name: Al-Hajj Hamishagul
Nationality: Afghan
Provence: Logar
Birth Year: 1979 April 28
Institutional: Biology Department, Faculty of Education the Logar Higher Education Institute,
Telephone: 0093747874615
What Sapp: 00989916657622
Facebook: Wahidullah Abdurahimzai
PhD graduated from Iran 1n 2023
MEd Kabul Education University 2009-2010
BA Department of Biology the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Kabul Education University 2002- 2005
High School: Mohammad Agha High School 2001
Teacher’s Biology Department, Faculty of Education, Paktia University, on 2006-2013
Teacher’s Biology Department, Faculty of Education Logar Higher Education Institute 2014-2018
General teaching Director of Paktia University 2006-2007
Dean of Faculty Education the Paktia University 2011-2013
Chancellor of the Logar Higher Education Institute 2014-2018
-Pashto Writing, Speaking & Reading Excellent
-Dari Writing, Speaking & Reading Excellent
-English Writing, Speaking& Reading Middle
Social activities:
All the activities of Wahidullah AbdurahimZai University are social, scientific and educational for the youth. In addition, he has been active in workshops, courses and preparing young people for entrance exams.
Published works:
He has authored two books, fife articles and three research papers.
Research works:
- Teaching biology based on critical thinking 2010
- The role of local materials in teaching biology 2013
- Receiving medicinal plants in Logar province 2017
Scientific Articles:
- The role of dairy centers in training lactating animals in Logar province
- The role of soybean in human health
- The role of genetics in human behavior and culture
- The role of medicinal plants on human health
- Comparison of creativity components in the content of the experimental science curriculum in elementary period of Iran and Afghanistan (International Journal of Applied Research 2020; 6(9): 253-259)
Important achievement:
We can remind the community of the founder of the Logar Higher Education Institute, the acquisition of 100 Hectares of land for the university, the construction of seven administrative and teaching buildings, the two faculties of education and Agriculture of the youth for the patriotic love of Abdurahimzai.
Message to the youth:
It is necessary for young people to have legitimate goals for their lives and these goals have economic, scientific, Islamic, cultural, ideological and human aspects. To serve our homeland, people and society so that our people can have a prosperous life adorned with ornaments of knowledge. Let's start this effort on our own and promote it to others.
Associate Professor Mohammad Alim Atif, son of Mohammad Sharif, was born in 1989 in a religious family in the center of Logar. After primary and secondary education, he graduated from Hazrat Omar Farooq (RA) Central High School in 2007. After passing the entrance exam in the Department of Chemistry and Biology, he graduated from the Faculty of Education of Nangarhar University. He has graduated. In 2013, for the first time after passing a competitive exam, he was appointed as a teacher in the teacher training of Paktia province and worked in that institution for a year. Finally, in 2014, after successfully passing a competitive exam, he was appointed to the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Education of the Logar Institute of Higher Education and has been working in this scientific institution until now. It is noteworthy that he was accepted in the competitive scholarship exam of Iran in 1396 AH, after successfully completing his master's degree in 1398 AH, he graduated from the prestigious university of that country (University of Tehran) with a master's degree in animal physiology. Has been educated. Among the academic activities he is working on are General Biology.
Qudratullah Mohmand, the son of Nasrullah Mohmand, was born in 1989 in a religious family in the center of Logar. After completing his primary and secondary education, he graduated from Hamid Karzai High School in 2009 and in 2014 from the Department of Biology. He is a graduate of Nangarhar University. For the first time in 1394, he worked as the director of the office of Logar Higher Education Institute, in 1395, he worked as a scientific member of the Biology Department at the Education Technology Education Center in Kabul province. In 1396, after passing a competitive exam, he was appointed as a member of the scientific staff of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Logar Institute of Higher Education. Since 1396, he has performed various duties and responsibilities, for example, as the Deputy of the Faculty of Education of the Logar Institute of Higher Education and as a member of the Peace Consultative Loyal Jirga in 1398. Among the academic activities that are being published are Plant Physiology, Volume 2, and Cytology.
Mohaddeseh Hashemi Daughter Sayed Shah Wali Hashemi, a candidate for associate professor, was born in 1997 in the village of Klangar in Logar province. In 2001, at the age of four, he obtained the conventional sciences at Bibi Fatemeh Al-Zahra High School in Dari and Pashto under the supervision of professors of the same time. In 2012, he graduated with honors from the same high school. After passing the entrance exam in 1392, he was admitted to the Faculty of Biology of Kabul University with 270 points, and in 1395, he successfully completed this course with a degree. In 1396, he also worked as a part-time professor at the Logar Higher Education Institute. Eventually, after participating in a competitive exam, he became a member of the academic staff in 1398 at the Logar Institute of Higher Education as a member of the academic staff.